Stage-1 Animal Farm - İngilizce Hikaye

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АвторGEORGE ORWELL ИздательствоMk Publications Количество страниц64 ЯзыкENG
On a small farm called Manor Farm in the countryside of England, the animals have had enough. The animals of Manor Farm feel like they are being exploited by the farmer Mr. Jones and by humans in general. They are not able to enjoy the products they work so hard to produce because everything is done for the humans. A wise pig named Old Major calls the animals together to give them a speech and to tell them about his dream. That is the start of the revolution and the birth of Animalism. The animals decide that they would have better lives if they ran the farm by themselves. They chase the humans away and write their own rules for their new farm: Animal Farm. They learn how to do everything by themselves. They even learn some human skills too like reading and writing. They create strict rules to follow and write out Seven Commandments so that all animals will be treated fairly and equally. But, will life on Animal Farm really be better than it was on Manor Farm? Will the animals really work less and have more t
Mk Publications
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