Stage-5 A Tale Of Two Cities - İngilizce Hikaye

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АвторCHARLES DICKENS ИздательствоMk Publications Количество страниц112 ЯзыкENG
It was the best of time, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom and foolishness, it was the epoch of belief and disbelief, it was the season of Light and Darkness… The story takes place in the 18th century in two cities, London and Paris. A political prisoner called Alexander Manette is released from prison after his long imprisonment and recalled to life by his daughter Lucie. His life seems to go better: his haunted fears and memories are quietened down, his daughter gets married and he works as a doctor in London. But their mutual happiness is not destined to last long. At that time the French Revolution starts when least expected. The French monarchy and aristocrats die under the Guillotine in a terrible way. The feudal system falls and the new rules spread all over the country. A new life begins in France, where poor people, humiliated people rule the country in their own way. By fatal coincidence, Lucies husband goes to Paris and falls into the hands of the merciless revolutionaries. Doctor
Mk Publications
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