Succeeding with Senior Management: Getting the Right Support at the Right Time for Your Project_8503
Senior managers speak the language of strategy. Project managers use the language of tasks and activities. These significantly different communication styles can lead to breakdowns and setbacks at project sites that are difficult to overcome, especially for the project manager. The key to working through this is communication--specifically communicating up. Succeeding with Senior Management explains how the project manager can bridge the gap and engage the upper ranks. By establishing relationships early on, understanding executives, and keeping them involved, project managers can win the support they need--which will be especially critical when problems arise. This all-inclusive communication guide that covers a wide range of industries explains how project managers can:• Navigate the company’s political waters• Link the project to the business• Provide options and recommendations for major decisions• Use the right listening style• Involve the sponsor in resolving cross-functional problems• And more!Learn ho
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