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Visit the majestic white-tailed deer in the heart of the forests, explore the savanna with the mighty Sumatran tiger or climb the snow-capped peaks to look for the snow leopard.
The female crocodile, once fertilized, lays eggs, which can reach up to sixty per nest. During the entire incubation period, which is 80 days. Once they are ready to come out of their shell, their mother delicately carries them in her mouth until the river. Did you know that, unlike humans, the sex of a crocodile will be determined by the temperature in the nest: at 31.5 ° it will be a male, if it is more or less warm it will be a female.
The product has the following dimensions: 11.5 x 7 x 2.5 cm and is recommended for children over 3 years old.
For more than 20 years, Papo has been constantly innovating and making children all over the world dream with a rich range of over 600 products, representing 12 worlds, animals and characters. From the original model to the series, each of the Papo figurines was designed and created in Fra
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