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With touch and feel patches and sparkly areas to explore, this baby dinosaur board book encourages early learning, and is just right for sharing with your little one. Inside, on 12 sturdy pages, you meet engaging baby dinosaurs hatching, hiding, playing, and sleeping, from long-necked Diplodocus with leathery skin, to baby T. rex with twinkly teeth, and bumpy, plated baby Stegosaurus. The delightful baby dinosaurs are unique, full of character, entertaining, and immediately appealing, and every page of Baby Touch and Feel Baby Dinosaur has tantalizing texture or an eye-catching shiny area to expand a babys senses. Easy for very young children to follow, theres one main picture per page to focus on thats clear and life-like, which help a young childs identification skills. The short, fun text is great for reading aloud and building language. All the dinosaurs are also labelled, with helpful pronunciation guides for their names. This small padded book is perfect for little hands to hold. Babies and toddlers wil
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Board book
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