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This fact-filled book is the perfect guide to all 118 elements in the periodic table, the ingredients that make up our world.Packed with stunning new photography, Eyewitness Periodic Table begins with a concise history of chemistry, scientific pioneers, and the creation of the first periodic table, then launches into a visual tour of each individual element. Along the way, you'll find out where each element comes from and what it is used for, explained clearly and simply for young readers. Explore elements such as carbon and oxygen and learn why they are essential to our survival. See how precious gold protects astronauts in space, and why the metal mercury can be both a solid and a liquid. Find out about man-made elements, which the smartest chemists are still busy figuring out how to use. Eyewitness Period Table also includes a pull-out poster to hang on your wall. This detailed, accessible book will inspire young, inquisitive minds - the scientists of tomorrow who will shape our future.
Dorling Kindersley
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