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Learn with Peppa: Counting 0 to 20 helps children build number recognition and learn to count. Gradually progressing in number practice from 0 to 10 to 11 to 20, children will gain confidence in writing numerals and counting in sequence, as well as grouping objects and finding the missing number. Count and write the number, then wipe the page clean and try again.
Learn with Peppa wipeclean activity books introduce key early learning topics, from writing and counting to emotional development, with carefully structured practice and plenty of fun activities.
Peppa and her friends take centre stage in this brandnew series of wipeclean learning books with integrated pen
Each Learn with Peppa wipeclean activity book has been developed by educational experts and contains helpful hints and tips for using the book with your child
Fun, interactive drawing and writing activities build childrens pen control skills and the pages can be wiped clean to use over and over again.
Access additional resources and guidance on the Learn with Peppa website
Let Peppa support your little ones on their early learning adventure in Learn with Peppa.
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