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This vibrant and unusual novel features a Chinese boy left to make his way in 1860s Sacramento; a glamorous film star and 1920s flapper, forbidden to kiss a white man on screen; Vincent Chin, killed in 1980s Detroit because he looked Japanese; and in the present, a half-Chinese writer, who has all he wants except a child. Playfully recasting the traditional multi-generational novel, TELL IT SLANT traces the lives of four people, both real and imagined, who together capture the history of the Chinese in America. Ranging from the bachelor society of the Gold Rush era to the recent wave of adopted Chinese babies, this is a tale of familial bonds denied and fragmented. Yet it s also one of great tenacity, success and slow but sure change. It is the story, too, of America, seen through the lens of the foreigners brought in to build the Transcontinental Railroad in the wake of the Civil War, and who stayed on. A masterful, often heartrending novel, which reminds us of our common humanity and the universal need to b
Peter Ho Davies
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