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What managers need to know about macroeconomics--but are afraid to ask Now more than ever before, executives and managers need to understand their larger economic context. In A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics, David Moss leverages his many years of teaching experience at Harvard Business School to lay out important macroeconomic concepts in engaging, clear, and concise terms. Now fully updated, this classic resource also includes a new chapter on the global financial crisis. In a simple and intuitive way, Moss breaks down the ideas into output, money, and expectations. He also introduces powerful tools for interpreting the big-picture economic developments that shape events in the contemporary business arena. The book includes detailed examples drawn from history to illuminate important concepts and leaves the reader with a clearer picture of how our economy actually works--and what impact in has on business. A classic resource by a leading thinker in the field, A Concise Guide to Macroeconomics is the primer
David A. Moss
Harvard Business Review Press
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