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What a life. Tony Fernandes has accomplished amazing things - and who's to say what he can go on to achieve?' Sir Richard Branson The inspiring story of business hero and Apprentice Asia star Tony Fernandes As a boy, Tony Fernandes wanted to be a pilot, a footballer or a racing driver. By 2011 he'd gone one better: founding his own airline and his own formula one team, and becoming Chairman of Queens Park Rangers, helping them reach the Premier League again after a 15-year absence from the top flight. Flying High is the memoir of an exceptional business leader; the man who created Asia's first budget airline, democratizing air travel in Asia and building AirAsia into a multi-billion-dollar company in the process. Published as Tony returns as the face of the second series of Apprentice Asia, this inspiring personal story will be a major global publishing event. Tony Fernandes studied at Epsom College, UK, and the London School of Accountancy. He worked for Virgin Communications and Warner Music before acquirin
Portfolio Penguin
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