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The go-to guide for stock selection and portfolio management, expanded and updated for today s professional investors. Over the last 15 years, Equity Management has become the go-to guide on stock valuation and portfolio management. The 24 articles new to this second edition cover the authors groundbreaking work on portfolios for leveraged long-short investors and leverage-averse investors as well, and their insights on smart beta and the causes of market instability, including the credit crisis of 2008-2009. These new articles join the authors other innovative works on how to disentangle the factors influencing stock returns and how to construct risk-controlled portfolios, providing readers with a comprehensive view of investing today. * The first edition generated over $125,000 in sales * More than 5,000 copies of the first edition have been sold * Features 24 new articles * The authors have won numerous awards for their articles and contributions to the industry * Jacobs Levy Equity Management has establ
Mark Anestis
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