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Why is the culture of a stagnant workplace so difficult to improve? For decades, business leaders have been equipping themselves with every book, philosophy, reward, and program the so-called experts have convinced them to buy into, yet companies everywhere continue to struggle with toxic cultures, and the unhappiness and low productivity that go with them.In Trust Factor, neuroscientist Paul Zak shows that innate brain functions hold the answers we ve been looking for. Put simply, the key to providing an engaging, encouraging, positive culture that keeps your employees energized is trust. When someone shows you trust, a feel-good jolt of oxytocin surges through your brain and triggers you to reciprocate. This simple mechanism creates a perpetual trust-building cycle between management and staff, and--voila!--the end of stubborn workplace patterns.Incorporating science-backed insights for building high-trust organizations with successful examples from The Container Store, Zappos, and Herman Miller, Trust Fact
Paul Zak
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