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Discover all there is to know about human anatomy in DK's latest concise visual guide to the human body. Fully updated to reflect the latest medical information, The Concise Human Body Book is illustrated throughout with colourful and comprehensive diagrams, photographs, scans, and 3D artworks, which take you right into the cells and fibres that are responsible for keeping your body ticking.
The Concise Human Body Book provides full coverage of the body, function by function, system by system. In the opening chapter, colourful medical scans, illustrations, and easy-to-understand diagrams show you how the different parts of the body work together to produce a living whole. Eleven main body systems - including the skeletal system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system - are then covered in intricate detail in the following chapters, with each section ending on common diseases and disorders that can affect that system.
From bones and muscles to systems and processes, this in-depth, pocket-sized guide t
Dorling Kindersley
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