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The central organizational system of the Qabalah is the Tree of Life - a mystical symbol consisting of 10 interconnected spheres and considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche, and a path to spiritual illumination.
This introductory book breaks down the ideas of the Tree of Life into an easy-to-follow path, including daily workshops that guide you gently through understanding Qabalah. Over 21 days you will learn:
the role of the Tree of Life and the links between Qabalah and tarot
the meaning of each sphere, or Sephira, on the Tree, with an exercise and meditation for each Sephira
how to work with and understand the symbolism of each Sephira, from Gods and Goddesses to Crystals
how to increase the energy for your meditations and create a personal symbol, or sigil, to represent your highest values
how to use Qabalistic prayer and work with the four great Archangels for daily support and protection
Wells, David
Hay House Publishing
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