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Big Book of Knowledge introduces children to a world of learning - from the natural world to our world, Earth to space, and beyond. Big Book of Knowledge , fully revised and updated, is a unique look at learning that covers pretty much anything you could hope to know about. This encyclopedia may be small in size, but it s big on information. The chunky edition crams a world of facts into 480 pages, presented in four broad chapters, which are all divided into smaller sections. Children will love learning about everything on the planet and out of it: Earth and space; the natural world (from plant life to sea life, insects to dinosaurs); the human body; how people in the past lived; the arts and entertainment; and science and technology, all brought fully up to date. Every page is packed with colourful pictures and illustrations, all fully explained with clear notes and fun facts. Big Book of Knowledge also has a full index, so tracking down subjects for school projects and homework has never been easier.
Dorling Kindersley
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