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Her loving insights will enrich your body, mind, and soul, while giving you practical knowledge to apply to your day-to-day life.
This is a book of ideas to spark your own creative thinking process. It will give you an opportunity to see other ways to approach your experiences. . . .
As you read this book, you may find statements that you dont agree with. they may clash with your own belief systems. Thats all right. Its what I call stirring up the pot. You dont have to agree with everything I say. But please examine what you believe and why. This is how youll grow and change. . . .
Begin reading anywhere in this book. Open it at will. The message will be perfect for you at that moment. It may confirm what you already believe, or it may challenge you. Its all part of the growth process. Know that you are safe and all is well.
Hay, Louise
Hay House Publishing
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